The Science Behind Scams

The animation series directed by the talented artist Yuval Haker.
The full series are showing here cause they look amazing, the episodes I participated is 1&3.


Director: Yuval Haker
Producers: Jennifer Vance, John Bega
Design: Yuval Haker, Elena Chudoba, James Dybvig, Maddie Edgar
Animation: Hao Li, Hozen Britto, Joe Sparkes, Alex Potts, Arthur Guttilla, Mark Abbott, Jean Yu, James Dybvig
Clean up: Lily Shaul, Zohar Dvir
Compositors: Pavelas Laptevas, Alon Sivan
Storyboards: Dana Roth, Elena Chudoba, James Dybvig, Yuval Haker
Sound Design: Vox Media, Dana Roth